SHARE only places our rescue dogs in homes where the children are at least 5 years of age. There are multiple reasons for this policy. We feel that this policy is best for everybody involved to take the dog and family’s safety into account.
The following information is requested so that we can assist you in the selection of a new pet that matches the temperament and needs of our rescued dogs.
We will do an adoption follow up call and we do love to get pictures.
Will this be your first German Shepherd Dog?
Which animal are you interested in? *
Choose an animal:
Axel 3090
Bella 3075
Chaos 3091
Durango 3093
Gus 3106
Holly 3098
Max 3097
Mocha 3099
Porche 3092
Raven 3100
Sasha 3088
Applicant's Age *
What is your occupation? *
Co-Applicant's Full Name: *
Co-Applicant's Age:
Co-Applicant's Occupation:
Please list all people residing in the home and their ages; *
Please include visitors and ages the dog will regularly be in contact with (for instance, grandchildren): *
If there is more than one person involved with your home situation, have you thoroughly discussed what this adoption will entail in the terms of time, energy, financial expenses (e.g. routine/emergency medical care, food, supplies, etc.
Is your family ready to bring a new dog into your home now?
If you are not ready now, when will you be?
Please list all animals currently living in your home (include Type, Breed, Age and Special Needs) *
What is your experience with German Shepherds or other large breeds?
In what type of home do you live *
Choose one:
Single Family
Mobile Home
Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home *
Choose one:
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number. It is recommended that you check to see that German Shepherds are allowed before applying, as we will verify.
If you have a homeowner's association, does it allow German Shepherd Dogs?
How long have you lived at your current address? *
Is your rear yard fenced?
What type of fence *
Choose one:
Chain Link
What is the height of the fence *
How do you plan on exercising your dog?
Does your home have a Dog Door? If so, is it left unlocked when you are not home? *
Does your home have a pool?
If your home has a pool, is there a fence around the pool?
Are all pets currently in your home spayed or neutered? If the answer is NO, please explain why. *
Are all pets in your home up to date on their vaccinations?
Please provide name and phone number for where you get your pets vaccinated.
Are all pets currently in your home up to date with yearly Heartworm testing and monthly preventatives? If the answer is NO, please explain why. *
Where do you purchase HW preventative?
Will you give dog hw preventatives and vaccines? If not, why not?
How much time will the animal spend alone (without humans) during the day?
Where will the dog be kept? *
Who will be caring for, training and exercising the rescued dog? *
Where will the animal be kept when you are home *
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home *
Will the dog be kept on a runner or tied outside? If YES, when? *
Will the dog be left in yard unmonitored?
Will the dog be left in a yard when no one is home?
Will the dog spend any time in the garage? If YES, explain. *
If you go away for a few days, or on vacation, who will take care of the dog? *
Have you ever surrendered/rehomed a dog? If so, why and when? *
Are you willing to be responsible for this dog for his lifetime (possibly 10 years or more)?
What provisions will you make for the dog should you become unable to care for it? *
Are you familiar with Microchipping and the registration of your contact information?
What traits are you looking for in a pet
Please provide the name, and phone Number of the Veterinary care provider/s that has/have cared for your previous and current pets.
List most current vet first. *
I certify that the information entered on this applicant is true. Enter your name and date *